Sunday, September 25, 2016

Republican Motherhood Blog

1.   What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

The Revolutionary War inspired patriotism, republicanism and new ideas for independence. Not only were women expected to be good housewives and take care of the children, but they were also expected to teach their children how to be good citizens and teach their sons the principles of liberty and government (Document A).

2.   What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

The consequences were even though women were supposed to teach and educate their children, (Document B) the women were supposed to stay at their homes so they weren’t given the best opportunity to learn or even do something other than take care of children (Document A). Many different people had different views on what they believed women should be doing, for example, Jonathan F. Stearns thought women were very important and were “the destiny of our country,” (Document D) while Mrs. A.J. Graves believed women should be restrained to the household (Document A).

3.   What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?

The role of women in Republican Motherhood gave them a new and different role in society. It altered the mindset of women and led them to believe that the “reformation of a world is in [their] power (Document C). It also helped bring women together and give them a new purpose.

1.   Describe the setting.

This is a portrait of Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale in (1789). The setting of this picture seems to be in a house in America after the revolution of an upperclass family due to their clothes and the expense of portraits.

2.   Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the women look? How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?

Mary Gibson Tilghman is in the center of the painting and she looks very poised and of importance and authority. She is “republican” because even though her and her sons are dressed nice, she isn't being showy or revealing wealth like the aristocrats did.

3.   What values do her sons exhibit?

The children seem well behaved because they are able to sit and stay still for a portrait that takes a long time to create. Also, they are dressed nice and look playful and fond of each other.

4.   Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?

Yes, her arm is over one of her sons lap to restrain him from touching his other brother or possibly getting down from her lap. This shows her authority over her sons and how she is teaching them to behave and act in society.

Pictures: I used a picture of Mary Gibson Tilghman because she was an important women during the time period and her portrait was critical of the changing lives of women. I also chose a picture of Susan B. Anthony, a women right's activist because she fought for women right's and wanted to make even further change and progress for women. Anthony wanted the right for women to vote and devoted her life to make this change. She wanted women to be heard and have a say and no longer restrain them to their household jobs that they had been doing for many many years.

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