Sunday, September 18, 2016

LAD #3 Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic principles: The Declaration of Independence has a lot of principles including that all men are created equal and that everyone has basic rights that cannot be taken away. Some of these rights are life, liberty and property. Another principle is that the government gets its power from the people in order to secure their rights. The Declaration also mentions that people are able to alter the government if their needs are not being met and find new people to run the government. These ideas come from John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government and the ideas he spread during the Enlightenment.

2. Grievances: Some of the complaints have to do with Britain’s interference in the colonies and even in foreign countries. A lot of them also have to do with the King and things he has done including, cutting off trade with foreign countries, taxing the colonies without their consent, allowing soldiers to live in private homes and denied colonists of trial by jury.

3. Conclusion: The Representatives for the American people came together to establish a democratic government that would be run for the people, by the people. The Declaration of Independence was used to declare separation from Great Britain and declare the colonies independence and freedom. This document signifies independence and sets the foundation for the United States of America.

Pictures: I chose a picture of the Declaration of Independence and I also chose a picture of Martin Luther King Jr, during his I have a Dream speech. I chose this because both of these things are about changes for the future and freedoms that both groups of people want. They are both fighting for change and the speech and document both help progress freedom and equality for all.

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