Tuesday, September 27, 2016

LAD #7 Washington’s Farewell Address

In Washington’s farewell speech, his objective is to tell the people that he will not rule for a third term and doesn’t believe he is a right fit for the job. He thanks the people for their support and stresses the importance of the government in maintaining peace and freedom. He also addresses his concerns with the American people, by telling them to appreciate their government because it provides safety and freedoms which allow them to prosper. He warns them about a few things including permanent alliances, which would interfere with the nations policy of isolation for the future years. Also, that an over powerful military can be a threat to the government and they should be careful that it never become too powerful. The main take away from his Farewell Address was to make sure the people remain patriotic and maintain their nationalistic feelings of pride in the country to secure unity and independence.

Pictures: I chose a picture of George Washington giving his Farewell Address and a picture of Joe Dimaggio who also gave a farewell speech to the Yankee fans, when he ended his baseball career due to an illness. His famous line "I am the luckiest man alive" shows his dedication and will for life just how George Washington said goodbye as a leader to the American people and thanked them for their support.
LAD #6 Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

Washington acknowledges the war between Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain and the United Netherlands against France, but says that the United States will follow a policy of neutrality. He also says that if a citizen does aid, or fight against another country, they can face punishment, prosecution and will not be protected by the United States.

Pictures: I chose a picture of George Washington because he was the one who created the Proclamation of Neutrality and I also chose a picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt because he signed a neutrality act in 1935. He did this so America would stay out of foreign affairs even though he acknowledged that he may have to amend the neutral status in the future.

Monday, September 26, 2016

LAD #5 Federalist #10

1.  Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Factions are difficult to eliminate because they are formed by the difference of opinion. There are only two ways to eliminate them, one is by destroying the liberty that is essential to its existence and the other is by giving every citizen the same opinions, interests, or passions. These are both unrealistic because we need differences and opinions in the world and especially in politics to make changes and develop new concepts, thoughts and ideas.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

One way to control a faction is by controlling its effects or eliminating the freedom that allows it to exist, but by removing a faction, liberty is removed as well. It is also possible to control a faction in a large republic that has a large amount of voters and candidates because it is an effective check against a large faction.

Pictures: I chose a picture of a the Federalist Papers because they are a faction of their own who support and advocate federalism. I also chose a picture of marijuana because there is a large faction of people who are for legalizing marijuana and join together to promote it. They are a faction because they all support the legalization of marijuana and are against the ban it has in most states and want to repeal it.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Republican Motherhood Blog

1.   What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?

The Revolutionary War inspired patriotism, republicanism and new ideas for independence. Not only were women expected to be good housewives and take care of the children, but they were also expected to teach their children how to be good citizens and teach their sons the principles of liberty and government (Document A).

2.   What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?

The consequences were even though women were supposed to teach and educate their children, (Document B) the women were supposed to stay at their homes so they weren’t given the best opportunity to learn or even do something other than take care of children (Document A). Many different people had different views on what they believed women should be doing, for example, Jonathan F. Stearns thought women were very important and were “the destiny of our country,” (Document D) while Mrs. A.J. Graves believed women should be restrained to the household (Document A).

3.   What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?

The role of women in Republican Motherhood gave them a new and different role in society. It altered the mindset of women and led them to believe that the “reformation of a world is in [their] power (Document C). It also helped bring women together and give them a new purpose.

1.   Describe the setting.

This is a portrait of Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale in (1789). The setting of this picture seems to be in a house in America after the revolution of an upperclass family due to their clothes and the expense of portraits.

2.   Who serves at the center of the portrait and why? How does the women look? How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?

Mary Gibson Tilghman is in the center of the painting and she looks very poised and of importance and authority. She is “republican” because even though her and her sons are dressed nice, she isn't being showy or revealing wealth like the aristocrats did.

3.   What values do her sons exhibit?

The children seem well behaved because they are able to sit and stay still for a portrait that takes a long time to create. Also, they are dressed nice and look playful and fond of each other.

4.   Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?

Yes, her arm is over one of her sons lap to restrain him from touching his other brother or possibly getting down from her lap. This shows her authority over her sons and how she is teaching them to behave and act in society.

Pictures: I used a picture of Mary Gibson Tilghman because she was an important women during the time period and her portrait was critical of the changing lives of women. I also chose a picture of Susan B. Anthony, a women right's activist because she fought for women right's and wanted to make even further change and progress for women. Anthony wanted the right for women to vote and devoted her life to make this change. She wanted women to be heard and have a say and no longer restrain them to their household jobs that they had been doing for many many years.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

LAD #4 Revolution Article

1. The Revolutionary War was very violent and soldiers suffered greatly. They had little clothes causing them to steal clothes and shoes off the prisoners and the dead.

2. The Revolutionary War was America’s longest declared war, lasting more than eight years causing a large amount of deaths among those who fought for independence.

3. Popular paintings during the Revolution tend to not have battle scenes or violent images from the war.

4. Civil War soldiers were equipped with weapons capable of producing greater causalities than those available to Washington’s soldiers, but to maximize the weapons they had, the armies fought at close range so they wouldn’t miss, wasting their bullets.

5. Vietnam was America’s first television war where people at home could watch and see the realities of war. It could be turned on and off similar to the news so people could have an update on what was going on daily.

Pictures: I chose a picture of the American soldiers during the Revolution in the harsh winter along with a picture of the Texas Revolution because colonists in the Mexican Province of Texas rebelled against the Mexican Government in 1836. They rebelled in order to fight for their freedom and independence, similar to the Americans rebelling to gain their independence from Great Britain because neither of them wanted to be under foreign control and have to abide by their laws.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

LAD #3 Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic principles: The Declaration of Independence has a lot of principles including that all men are created equal and that everyone has basic rights that cannot be taken away. Some of these rights are life, liberty and property. Another principle is that the government gets its power from the people in order to secure their rights. The Declaration also mentions that people are able to alter the government if their needs are not being met and find new people to run the government. These ideas come from John Locke in his Second Treatise of Government and the ideas he spread during the Enlightenment.

2. Grievances: Some of the complaints have to do with Britain’s interference in the colonies and even in foreign countries. A lot of them also have to do with the King and things he has done including, cutting off trade with foreign countries, taxing the colonies without their consent, allowing soldiers to live in private homes and denied colonists of trial by jury.

3. Conclusion: The Representatives for the American people came together to establish a democratic government that would be run for the people, by the people. The Declaration of Independence was used to declare separation from Great Britain and declare the colonies independence and freedom. This document signifies independence and sets the foundation for the United States of America.

Pictures: I chose a picture of the Declaration of Independence and I also chose a picture of Martin Luther King Jr, during his I have a Dream speech. I chose this because both of these things are about changes for the future and freedoms that both groups of people want. They are both fighting for change and the speech and document both help progress freedom and equality for all.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #2 John Peter Zenger

1. Who was John Peter Zenger?

John Peter Zenger was a newspaper printer and the publisher of the "New York Weekly JOURNAL" which he used to publish propaganda against the New York Governor, William Cosby. He was then jailed and charged with libel and was defended by A. Hamilton during his trial.

2. What was the controversy over his charges?

The controversy was that the things he said were rude and possibly unnecessary about the Governor, but the things he was saying were also true.  In his trial, it was argued that he was wrong in his actions, even though the things he said were true because, the act of printing what he did was against the law at the time. In the end he was found not guilty and the charges were dropped.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?

The Zenger case helped create freedom of the press where people are able to say whatever criticism they want without being jailed or tried for libel. It also set a precedent where the jury is able to nullify a judge's decision by reaching a majority vote.

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial?

The outcome of the case impacted the colonies and caused resentment towards libel prosecutions. Also, freedom of the press became very big and was later put into the Bill of Rights to make sure this right could not be taken away from the people.


I chose a picture of the journal where Zeneger published his writings and I also chose a picture of Colin Kaepernick because he is a football player who has started a protest against oppression and equality for all people. These are related because Colin believes that people should not be oppressed and should be given fair and equal rights like Zenger believes. They both want to be able to speak freely, but are both being held back by in Zenger's case, a lawsuit, and in Colin's case his fans or people who believe what he is saying is foolish or wrong. Both of these people need to fight for their opinions and a chance to voice what they have to say, but they both face obstacles that prevent them from being able to do so.
LAD #1 Mayflower compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1. What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?

The main concept is to create a government by the people for the people. They want to create a democracy where people will be granted equal rights, therefore giving them more opportunities to succeed and enjoy life.  Another concept is to preserve their way of life, but create order within it.  They want to make changes, but do not want to completely change their way of living especially their religion.

2. How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to the both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

The people who wrote the Mayflower Compact want to preserve their way of life including their loyalty to the English King and their religion and religious behaviors. Although they want to stay attached to the "Old" world, they also want to aspects of the "New" world including an organized government and equality of people.

3. How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

The Mayflower Compact was a much smaller agreement by a few people who wanted to work together to create a government with laws and equality. The Compact was brief and broad without details on how these people would evolve the idea and create it. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was a much longer, more detailed document with a plan on how the government would be run.  It establishes that one person, the Governor, would be elected to and multiple other individuals would have power in other government positions, as well.

4. What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government?

The colonists took this approach and wrote out a constitution so they would have an outlined agreement of their rights and would know exactly what laws they would have to abide by and what freedoms they would be allowed. This gave them a set in stone document that would assure them of their equality and take away the fear that might come along with proposing and creating a new government.

5. In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Order reflect a fear of and safeguard against the uprising of power by one person or a chosen few?

The Fundamental Order makes sure that not one individual will have absolute power over the colony and that many people will be elected and put in government positions to each have jobs that balance each other out, creating a balance of power.  Also, people are able to vote for who they want so they have a say and are able to vote for who they want in charge. Lastly, the Governor is unable to run for office or hold the position for more than 2 consecutive years. This means that if the Governor is not making the best decisions for the people or is gaining too much power they will be unable to keep running after 2 years and the people will not vote for them again.


I chose to put a picture of the Mayflower because it directly relates to the Mayflower Compact. It is the ship the colonists traveled on to reach the "New" world. I also chose the Preamble to the Constitution because it is similar to the Compact. They are both short, broad ideas or desires that the people want in their Constitutions. Neither of them use detail to describe how they are going to do the things they both promise, but they are the beginning of a new government and set the base for new ideas and thinking.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hello this is my blog and now I am a blogger. Yippee!