Sunday, March 26, 2017

LAD #37 Brown vs. Board of Education: Topeka, Kansas

The case Brown v. Board of Education, would ultimately be the first step towards desegregation in the United States. Linda Brown who was a third grader, had to walk a mile in a dangerous area to get to a black school when there was a public school one block away. The separation of schools based on color was made legal by the “Plessy vs. Ferguson” court case. The case states that as long as the schools were separate but equal, segregation was allowed. Segregation in schools made black children feel inferior to white children and put them at a disadvantage later on in life. It was not until the case went to the Supreme Court that the decision of Plessy v. Ferguson was declared unconstitutional and the segregation of schools was not allowed. The result of the case would take awhile to be put into action, but was a good step to help create equal and better lives for blacks.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Linda Brown and a picture of Rosa Parks who was another black female that helped fight for the equality of blacks. She did so by sitting in the designated white section of a bus and refused to get up to give her seat to a white person. She also affected the black community and would help lead to change and the equality of all people, no matter their color. Both fought to end segregation between whites and blacks and would be big parts of history.

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