Tuesday, December 20, 2016

LAD #24 Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan who was a Democrat from Nebraska, gave the speech called “Cross of Gold.” In the speech he addresses that he thinks the question about money is the most prominent issue in America and the election. He believes that the settlers who farm out west are just as important as the business man’s work. He also praises Jackson for removing power from the wealthy and returning in to the common man. He supported ideals of the Populist Party including bimetallism, the idea that the U.S. Mint should coin silver and gold. He then goes on to defend the graduated income tax law and was a large influence in the debate about gold and silver.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Bryan and a picture of Thomas Jefferson because they had similar ideals. Bryan referenced the Declaration of Independence and Jefferson's idea that all men are created equal. They were both important figures that reached a large audience and wanted the common man to have more power and create reforms in the economy, politics and labor.

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