Tuesday, December 20, 2016

LAD #25 Dawes Severalty Act

The Dawes Severalty Act was created to break up reservations and make the Natives independent, as well as assimilate to white culture. It also gave them land so they would be sufficient farmers and take away their culture and way they were used to gathering crops. The act also allowed Native Americans to be granted citizenship if they cooperated, but there were some groups that were denied this opportunity.

Pictures: I chose a picture of the Act and and a picture of a ghetto where Jewish people were forced to move to. This is similar to the Act because it forced a minority group to a certain area of land and they were forced to change the way they lived. Many Native Americans were killed in their fight and resistance against foreign influence as were the Jews during the Holocaust and fight for their basic human rights. The Holocaust is related to American history because many people fled Germany to come to America for safety and were also a minority in the States, similar to the Natives.
LAD #24 Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech

William Jennings Bryan who was a Democrat from Nebraska, gave the speech called “Cross of Gold.” In the speech he addresses that he thinks the question about money is the most prominent issue in America and the election. He believes that the settlers who farm out west are just as important as the business man’s work. He also praises Jackson for removing power from the wealthy and returning in to the common man. He supported ideals of the Populist Party including bimetallism, the idea that the U.S. Mint should coin silver and gold. He then goes on to defend the graduated income tax law and was a large influence in the debate about gold and silver.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Bryan and a picture of Thomas Jefferson because they had similar ideals. Bryan referenced the Declaration of Independence and Jefferson's idea that all men are created equal. They were both important figures that reached a large audience and wanted the common man to have more power and create reforms in the economy, politics and labor.
LAD #23 Populist Party Platform

The Populist Party emerged in the late 1800s and were at their peak in the late 1890s when they were regarded as a third party. The Populist Party Platform included the Preamble, Platform and Expression of Sentiments. The Preamble talked about how they felt that the abuse by the big businesses needed to end and that labor was harmful, with bad conditions. They believed the rich should not get richer and they also referenced the lack of silver in the monetary system. They wanted an expansion in government and wanted equal rights. In the Platform, they talked about how they wanted protection of the working class and government control of the railroad companies. In the Expression of Sentiments, the Populists demanded secret ballot elections that were fair and wanted pensions to soldiers. The party rejected government aid to business and wanted more limits on immigration because they felt they were taking away American jobs.

Pictures: I chose a picture of the Populist Party at the nominations convention and a picture of the Justice Party which was formed in 2011. They are a group of political activists who stand for progressivism and want change like the people of the Populist Party. They also want to restore fairness to the political system, end corruption and return the power to the people.
LAD #22 McKinley’s War Message

In 1865, the Cubans had rebelled against their Spanish rulers. This action started a war and the United States decided to remain neutral for three years. He created the message for Congress so they would discuss the Cuban War with Spain. In his message, he talks about how the war affected the people and trade. He proposed the idea that the United States should either intervene as an active ally, or as a mediator. He mentions the Maine Crisis and implies that Spain is to blame for it. Lastly, he asks for Congress to help by asking them for their permission to intervene and the access to the military to use force if necessary.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Mckinley and a picture of Woodrow Wilson because he gave a war message also. He also asked the U.S. Congress for permission to go to war, he wanted to wage war against Germany because of the sinking of the Lusitania. Both presidents felt that it was in the country's best interest to go to war and wanted to protect their nation.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

LAD #21 Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnegie was successful in the iron and steel business. In the Gospel of Wealth, he teaches how someone should handle money and how to protect it. He also talked about how wealthy people are needed in society to keep it balanced and they are helpful in distributing money and helping those who are less fortunate. Carnegie followed the guidelines he created and funded many libraries, as well as the University, Carnegie Mellon.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Andrew Carnegie and a picture of John Purdue who was a wealthy industrialist who also funded a college, Purdue University that would be named after him. Carnegie and Purdue were both successful men that used their money to fund a school for education that would continue to run and be attended for many years to come.