Saturday, November 19, 2016

LAD #18 Dred Scott Decision 

In the case of Dred Scott vs. Sanford in 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Sanford. The issue brought up in the case was about slavery arriving in free states. The decision that was made was since Scott was black and not a U.S. citizen, Scott didn’t even have the right to bring his case to court in the first place. The Supreme Court also ruled that slaves were considered property, but he argued that he was a free slave because he was above the Compromise Line and was forced back to the state he came from and to his old master master. The Court declared that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and therefore, Scott would remain a slave.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Dred Scott and a picture of the Marbury v. Madison case because the case established judicial review that would be evident in Dred Scott's case. This allowed the court to declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional and it was also another court case that was very important in history and had to do with the appointment of people to the Supreme Court.

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