Monday, October 31, 2016

LAD #10 Monroe Doctrine

1.  What did the issuing of the Monroe Doctrine express from an American perspective post War of 1812?

The Monroe Doctrine expressed strength as an international power. The United States was a recently new nation and other countries, especially Europe underestimated it. The doctrine helped establish that the United States was powerful and it prevented Europe from further colonization of America. It also showed America’s desire to keep and maintain peace and its form of government.

2.  What was Secretary of State Adams' hope when he wrote the Monroe Doctrine?

He hoped to keep the U.S. safe from wars and foreign affairs with Europe. He wanted to eliminate any further European influence that would pose as a threat to America, as well as keep peace and neutrality. Lastly, he hoped to establish the U.S. as a strong and powerful nation that would be influential and successful.

3.  What is the key phrase in the entire document that you need to remember as the cornerstone or American Foreign Policy?

“As a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power…” This phrase serves as the cornerstone because it says that the U.S. is not allowing European nations to colonize in America. It states that in order to maintain freedom and protect their government, along with their way of life they need to keep European influence to a minimum.

Pictures: I chose a picture of a cartoon about the Monroe Doctrine and a picture of Jay's Treaty because it was also used to remove foreign influence and set boundaries so France and Great Britain would not have vast amounts of land or control in America. The treaty was used to limit their control and control trading rights and power, similar to the Monroe Doctrine.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address LAD #9

Jefferson was the founding father of the Anti-Federalist party, so in his address he advocated for the rights of the states and the people. He also supported strict interpretations of the Constitution and therefore mentions specific principles from the Constitution, such as popular sovereignty. He also enforces the concept of national unity and wants to make sure that Americans have an opportunity to create their own lives and have freedoms. He states that the people should trust the new Federal Government because it is run for the people, by the people and is stronger than ever. Lastly, he acknowledges that not everyone will always agree with him and the policies he implements, but will do his best to provide for the nation.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Thomas Jefferson as well as a picture of Barack Obama because he gave an inaugural address, too. Obama talked about national unity in his speech, like Jefferson and wanted to provide for the people of America and give them opportunities to succeed. They both wanted to make changes and further improve the nation and addressed similar topics in their speeches.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Columbus Blog

Should Christopher Columbus be considered a hero or a villain?

He should be considered as both to differing extents, but overall he seems to be more of a villain than a hero. I believe this because he never actually did discover America, he arrived at the Bahamas and millions of people had already been living in North America at the time. Also, when he arrived there, he enslaved many native people and used them for labor and whatever else he needed. He did not treat them well even though he had arrived on their land, instead he manipulated them to benefit himself. He was later arrested by the Spanish Government for his mistreatment of the Natives and he was stripped of his title as Governor which brought down his reputation. Although he did a lot of bad things and is known as a villain, he did help create a bridge between the old and new world in what became known as the Columbian Exchange. This was the exchange of plants, animals, culture and helped develop a new modern age that would transform the world.

Pictures: I chose a picture of Christopher Columbus and a picture of O.J. Simpson because it was debated whether he was a hero or a villain, as well. He was a football player and convicted felon who ended up going to jail and is still there. It was a very big debate whether he was guilty or not and people seemed to be split, either believing he was innocent, or guilty of the crime for killing people. This lead to controversy because he was loved by many football fans and is similar to Columbus because people seem to have opinions on both of them regarding whether they are considered heroes or villains.